Solar panels rural

Swannanoa solar farm

We’re proposing to build a solar farm in the Swannanoa region of Canterbury.

The site is located approximately 12km northwest of Christchurch on flat land previously used as a forestry plantation and to grow agriculture crops. While we’re still in the early stages of talking to key stakeholders and designing what the project will look like, we believe the site has the potential to host a 200MW solar array.

The site is ideal for solar generation due to its topography with existing transmission lines running overhead, making it easy to deliver electricity to the Christchurch region and National Grid.



Sustainable construction

Just like our Harapaki wind farm and Ruakākā Energy Park, our construction approach is to build renewable energy developments as sustainably as possible. This means we look for every opportunity to reduce the amount of carbon and waste produced throughout construction. We’re proposing to design and build the Services Building using the Living Building standards as a guide.

What happens next?

As part of developing the project design, we will undertake a number of assessment of effects studies. We engage independent consultants who have considerable experience in their field of expertise to complete this work. The assessments cover a wide range of possible effects:

  • Ecology
  • Planning
  • Noise
  • Landscape and visual
  • Transport
  • Glint and glare
  • Civil and earthworks.

Once these are complete, we will submit our resource consent application with the Waimakariri District Council and Environment Canterbury for their assessment. We expect this to happen in the second half of 2024.

For more information, please email us at

Tackling Zero

Tackling Zero is Meridian’s quarterly newsletter for people whose roles or studies are focused on sustainability, or for whom this is an area of interest. Each issue will offer Meridian’s insights into a topical sustainability issue, as well as stories on how we, our customers and supply chain partners are tackling sustainability. It also includes links to recent Meridian disclosures such as new policies and reports.
