Meridian car in front of a wind farm

About us

Clean Energy for a Fairer and Healthier World.

We’re New Zealand’s largest renewable energy generator and a major retailer.

Meridian Energy is one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest listed companies. We sell more electricity to customers, large and small, than any other electricity company and we generate around a third of the country’s electricity needs – all from renewable sources.

We’re also building new projects to stay ahead of the growing demand for electricity. This will help customers to reduce their emissions and ensure New Zealand has the advantages of a green economy, fuelled by renewable energy.

As a retailer we sell electricity to homes and businesses through two brands – Meridian and Powershop – and we’re committed to providing even greater value to them through new and more flexible energy solutions.

Making power matter

Our purpose is Clean Energy for a Fairer and Healthier World. Generating affordable, reliable, renewable energy is vital to a sustainable future, and Meridian has the scale and resources to help secure a clean energy future that helps people thrive and leaves our planet in better shape for future generations.

  • Solar panel

    Generating power

    We generate around 30% of New Zealand’s electricity – and all from 100% renewable sources. Meridian owns and operates seven hydro power stations and six wind farms. We also have power purchase agreements with a number of customers that see us own and operate commercial-scale solar on customer properties and sell the generation back to the customers.


  • Sustainability icon

    Sustainability in action

    Sustainability defines who we are and comes to life in all parts of our business. We’re about doing the right things today so our planet and all it sustains can survive and thrive in the future. This means acting responsibly for our planet, making it easy for our customers to reduce their emissions, supporting local communities to thrive and striving to be a more sustainable company.

  • New Zealand icon

    Retailing electricity

    Meridian is one of New Zealand’s largest retailers of electricity. We supply power to more than 350,000 residential and business customers across the country through our Meridian and Powershop brands.

    We’re committed to building two-way relationships with our customers – helping them achieve the benefits of decarbonisation and rewarding them for playing a role in making the country’s electricity system more flexible.

  • Customer care

    Helping customers in hardship

    Today’s cost of living is a real issue for many Kiwis across Aotearoa. To help our most vulnerable customers, we’ve created an Energy Wellbeing Fund with a $5 million investment that supports 5,000 Meridian and Powershop households. The fund provides support through bill credits and payment plans, as well as assists with in-home assessments and interventions in appropriate situations – from curtains, to insulation and heat pumps.

    Learn more

  • Supporting Communities

    Supporting communities

    We’re actively supporting the communities around our generation assets. Meridian is giving back through employment and business opportunities, sponsorships, community events, access to outdoor recreation and our Power Up Community Funds. Since 2010 we’ve invested $10 million through these local funds to support community-led projects, making tangible differences where they matter most.

    We’re also driving positive change across Aotearoa with our Community Decarbonisation Fund. Since 2021 we’ve allocated around $1.5m to initiatives that help community groups reduce costs and emissions through EVs, solar panels and boiler conversions. And Meridian stands proudly alongside KidsCan as its principal partner. With our support, KidsCan ensures that 55,000 school kids daily have access to food and essential items like jackets, shoes, socks and health products.

Person with laptop illustration

Invest in Meridian 

Listed on both the NZX and ASX, Meridian Energy is one of New Zealand’s largest listed companies. Our majority shareholder is the New Zealand Government, owning 51%.

Our leadership

We have a strong and diverse board and leadership team whose members are committed to supporting Meridian people in delivering on our purpose of Clean Energy for a Fairer and Healthier World in ways that will help create a sustainable future for all.

Our executive team

Board of directors

Our Strategy

To deliver on our purpose of 'clean energy for a fairer and healthier world', Meridian's strategy is built on an all-encompassing focus on climate action. You can find out more about our business priorities and what we aim to achieve in the future in our Strategy Map.

Working at Meridian

Career opportunities

Meridian employs around 1,000 people across the country. Each and every one of them is key to our success. That’s why we do everything we can to attract and grow a diverse and talented team who put climate action, customers and communities at the heart of everything they do.

Career opportunities
About us Careers

Diversity and inclusion

At Meridian, we value people. And not just some people – all people. We embrace different ways of thinking, living and working, because we believe diversity benefits us all. It makes our capabilities even stronger. So no matter who you are, you’ll find that Meridian offers a great place to work.

Workplace diversity and inclusion
Diversity and inclusion

Tackling Zero

Tackling Zero is Meridian’s quarterly newsletter for people whose roles or studies are focused on sustainability, or for whom this is an area of interest. Each issue will offer Meridian’s insights into a topical sustainability issue, as well as stories on how we, our customers and supply chain partners are tackling sustainability. It also includes links to recent Meridian disclosures such as new policies and reports.
