Guidance on the climate alignment of Meridian’s engagement with government bodies

Meridian prepares submissions and engages with government bodies on a range of subjects. Management will ensure that all Meridian engagements and submissions in any jurisdiction are aligned with:

  • Meridian’s purpose of Clean energy for a fairer and healthier world; and
  • Global effort under the Paris Agreement to limit the global average temperature increase to 1.5° Celsius above preindustrial levels and increase the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change.

As a renewable energy company, alignment with the Paris Agreement is in our interests. However, management scrutinises all submissions and engagement material through the sign out process to ensure alignment and governance and oversight ultimately sits with Meridian’s executive management team. 

Meridian is also a member of various trade associations and contributes to submissions and government engagements by those associations. Meridian’s spending on trade associations is disclosed in our annual reports.

Meridian will advise trade associations when their activities do not appear to align with Meridian’s purpose or the Paris Agreement goals and will seek better alignment, acknowledging that associations must consider a range of views from members. In cases of significant ongoing misalignment, management will consider changes to Meridian’s membership of trade associations. 

The trade associations Meridian is a member of also report transparently on their engagements and submissions to government bodies, for example:

Meridian's submissions to policy agencies, regulatory agencies and Select Committees.

Meridian submission - CCC 2024 Draft Advice EB4 - 31 May 2024

Meridian submission - CCC 2024 Target review consultation - 31 May 2024

Meridian submission - HVDC Stage 1 Enhancement Project Analysis - 28 May 2024

Meridian submission - Reviewing the settings of the Connections Management Framework - 1 May 2024

Meridian Energy submission to Fast Track Select Committee - 19 April 2024

Meridian Briefing to Incoming Ministers - November 2023

Meridian submission - Interim hydrogen roadmap - November 2023

Meridian submission - Developing a Regulatory Framework for Offshore Renewable Energy - November 2023

Meridian submission - Gas Transition Plan issues paper - November 2023

Meridian submission - Implementing a ban on new fossil-fuel baseload electricity generation - November 2023

Meridian submission - Measures for transition to an expanded and highly renewable electricity system - November 2023

Meridian submission - Draft advice to inform the strategic direction of the Government’s second emissions reduction plan - June 2023

Meridian submission - MDAG Options Paper: Price discovery in a renwables-based electricity system - March 2023

Meridian submission - Natural and Built Environment Bill and Spatial Planning Bill - February 2023

Meridian submission - Promoting competition in the wholesale electricity market in the transition toward 100% renewable electricity - December 2022

Meridian submission - Inefficient Price Discrimination in very large electricity contracts - October 2022

Meridian submission - Climate-related Disclosure Framework Consultation - September 2022

Meridian submission - consultation on Modern Slavery and Worker Exploitation - June 2022

Meridian submission - Climate-related Disclosures: Strategy, and Metrics and Targets - April 2022

Meridian submission - Review of competition in the wholesalemarket - December 2021

Meridian submission - XRB Climate disclosures (governance and risk management) - November 2021

Meridian submission - Emissions Reduction Plan - November 2021

Meridian's Submission to the Climate Change Commission draft advice - March 2021 

Electricity Authority UTS Supplementary Consultation - November 2020

Electricity Authority preliminary UTS cross submission - September 2020

Electricity Authority preliminary UTS submission - August 2020

Hedge Market Enhancements submission – June 2020

Review of High Standard of Trading Conduct submission – May 2020

Accelerating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency submission – February 2020

Saves and Win-backs submission – December 2019

TPM cross-submission – October 2019

TPM submission – October 2019

Electricity Price Review Options Paper submission – March 2019