Dry Stock hero

Power for dry stock

You’re the farming expert, we’re the power experts. So, let us keep the power running while you keep the farm running.

We know what matters

We can’t change the prices of beef and lamb, but we can offer you some certainty when it comes to powering your farm. Our dedicated team will help you focus on what's important and ensure you get the most out of your power. That's not all either. 

  • Home and farm connection

    We power homes as well as farms. Add your home to your account to get great rates and friendly service.
  • Rural supplier partnerships

    We partner with major rural suppliers so you can get discounted rates and extras.
  • Sustainability options

    We’ve got tips for energy-efficient farming to save you money, and help the environment. We’ve also got our Certified Renewable Energy product, which allows you to report your Scope 2 electricity emissions – those ones linked to your electricity usage – as zero*. * Using the market-based reporting methodology as per the GHG Protocol’s Scope 2 Standards.

Pricing and plans for dry stock farms

Don’t worry, you won’t get a one-size-fits-all approach around here. We’ve got a range of options to help you work with the seasons to get the most out of your power. We can work with you to find the plan that suits your hours, locations and power needs for your farm.

  • Seasonal rates

    If your needs change as the seasons change, let’s chat about our Seasonal Fixed Energy Plan. It can get you the lowest rates when you’re chewing through the most power. We reckon that’s a no-brainer.

  • Day/Night pricing

    If you’re making the most of night pumping hours, consider Day/Night pricing too, as a way of reducing your costs even further.

  • Year-Round rates

    If it’s steady each trip around the sun, you’ll get a better deal with our Year-Round Fixed Energy Plan. This option can work well for things like for constantly-running electric fences.

Don't just take our word for it

“We’re yet to come across another power company with dedicated agri managers that will understand your business as well as Meridian does. It’s not all about price, it’s about relationships too. And Meridian is a hands down winner on both.”
Michelle and Leighton Pye - South Canterbury farmers

Get a better price with your rural supplier

Paying through a rural supply company is the simplest way to pay your power bill — and you get a better deal.

We’ve teamed up with some top rural supply companies so you can get pricing, services and terms to suit you. If you’re with one of these companies, you’ll get a sweet deal on your power with Meridian.

Any questions? We’re here to support you

Network charges and off-peak times vary from region to region, so make sure you chat to someone with local knowledge (that’s us) and the know-how to get you the best bang for your buck (that’s us, too).

Our Agribusiness team is ready to chat, so give us a call. We’re always happy to pull on our gumboots to visit your farm and have a yarn.