Complaints and Feedback
If you have a concern about your experience with Meridian please let us know.
We have contact details for each type of customer
If your complaint cannot be resolved by contacting us, it will be passed on to our free in-house complaint resolution process where a member of our Customer Resolution Team will take responsibility for working with you to a fair and reasonable resolution.
They will promptly acknowledge your complaint in writing (unless you make your complaint orally and agree to us acknowledging your complaint orally) and provide an initial response to your complaint as soon as possible taking account of the urgency of your complaint and in any event within seven business days from the day you made your complaint.
Utilities Disputes Limited offer a free and independent service for resolving complaints about utilities providers. You can contact them at any time to discuss an issue with them.
We are part of the Energy Complaints Scheme operated by Utilities Disputes Limited and will deal with any complaint you may have in a way which meets the requirements of this scheme.
You are entitled to refer your complaint to Utilities Disputes Limited at any time, including if
Further information regarding the Energy Complaints Scheme and when you can refer your complaint to Utilities Disputes Limited is available from Utilities Disputes Limited.
Visit Utilities Disputes website
You can also phone Utilities Disputes Ltd on 0800 22 33 40 or write to them at PO Box 5875, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145