As you hop out of the shower and grab a towel off the heated rail tomorrow morning, take a moment to consider whether your current power plan is the best for your needs. It might help you save money on your monthly power bill and inspire you to change your daily habits to save even more energy.
Making sure you're on the best power plan for your needs

How do you use your power?
There are online sites to help you compare apples with apples for the best power deals, but do you know how you use your power? Pretty much every Kiwi uses power every day, but the way you use it is worth looking at. Who lives in your house, their ages, and how they entertain and relax are all factors affecting your power consumption. Why not drill down and look at a typical ‘day in the life’ of your electricity use to find out the ideal power plan for your specific needs?
Do you own an EV?
When we wrote this, there were around 77,000 fully electric vehicles and more than 33,000 plug-in hybrids in Aotearoa. If you’re an EV owner (or planning to become one), then recharging at home will affect your power bill.
The latest charging technology is also starting to be included in new home builds, which will help with home charging.
Keep in mind, here are some differences between charging your EV at home and public charging stations, so think about your travel habits and what kind of load plugging in at home will add to your power consumption.
Got solar panels?
More and more Kiwis are popping solar panels on their roofs, and the jury is in – having a rooftop solar powered system is around 75% cheaper (excluding financing costs) than sourcing all your electricity from the grid.
If you’ve already gone solar, then you should be grabbing a plan that offers a powerful buy-back rate. Along with harnessing those rays for your power, you could sunbathe in the financial reward of selling the excess energy you generate back to the grid.
There’s lots of information and advice out there on how to get solar power installed, so jump online and find out how to harness those sunbeams for your everyday life!
Own a holiday home?
If you’re lucky enough to have a beach escape, then your power use might be more of a rollercoaster throughout the year. Using lots of power at only certain times of year can make your usage patterns a bit unusual. That’s why a power company offering a bach plan where you only pay for the power you use when you’re there – no daily charges – is as awesome as a double scoop ice cream on a hot summer day!
When are you relying on power the most?
It’s a good idea to look at the times of day when you’re using the most power. Peak hours are 7am to 9am and then again from 5pm to 9pm. This is when most people are either getting ready to leave for school, university or work, and then coming home at the end of the day to relax and unwind. How does your household grapple with the morning rush? Who gets the first shower? Would it be cheaper for some to take their hot shower at night? If you can shift some of your daily habits outside peak hours, you could save some serious cash on your bill. What about setting the timer on the dishwasher to start after 11pm while you sleep? Or maybe use the washing machine during the day instead of at night? It’s not just how we’re using power that matters, it’s when.
Do you need flexibility to leave without break fees?
The human brain is hardwired to resist change, so it’s no surprise that moving from one power company to another doesn’t always happen easily. However, some suppliers make it hassle-free and wallet-friendly! As a consumer you also have rights. Make sure you read and understand the terms and conditions that you’ve agreed to with your power supplier. Remember, you’re not obliged to pay a cancellation fee if your fixed term plan automatically rolls over!
Check your contract and meter to check your current power supply situation or jump online at Powerswitch - a free, independent energy price comparison service.
Plans change - you can too
We all love it when a plan comes together – and if it’s a power plan, the bonus for acting on it is a potential saving on your monthly bills. Power companies in Aotearoa are always adding value and tweaking their plans – so stay aware to reap the benefits. Check that your current power company is offering the best plan for you and talk to them about changing it if something else is a better fit.
Meridian’s power plans
With us, you’ve got plenty of choice. Check out our various plans, designed to fit your different power needs.
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