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The role of our Board

The Meridian Energy Board is responsible for the corporate governance of Meridian Energy Limited (Meridian).

The primary role of the Board is to effectively represent and promote the interests of shareholders with a view to adding long-term value to the company’s shares. It directs and supervises the Management of the business and affairs of Meridian, including: 

  • Providing leadership and setting the strategic objectives, including climate-related strategic objectives and overseeing the development, adoption and communication of a clear strategy 
  • Approving Meridian’s publicly available annually produced reports including the integrated annual report, climate-related disclosure, climate action plan, greenhouse gas inventory and modern slavery statement 
  • Ensuring Meridian has appropriate and effective risk management practices in place relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, including climate-related risks and opportunities.  

The Board is made up of three standing Committees:

  • Audit and Risk Committee
  • People, Remuneration, and Culture Committee
  • Safety and Sustainability Committee.

The Safety and Sustainability Committee is responsible for all safety and sustainability matters arising out of Meridian’s activities that affect employees, contractors, the public, communities and the environment in which Meridian operates.

Meridian Board of Directors