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Hazardous waste

Being 100% renewable, Meridian produces only incidental amounts of hazardous waste across our generation assets. We’re also careful to minimise hazardous waste at our construction sites and corporate offices.

Of the incidental amounts of waste we do create, the key outputs include asbestos (from demolishing old infrastructure), contaminated soil and oily rags (from spills at generation and construction sites) and other hazardous flammable waste (including household items like paints and thinners).

In all situations, hazardous material management and disposal is handled by an accredited third party. However, the exact reporting of the kilograms of hazardous material landfilled and recycled remains an area for improvement.

All sites have hazardous waste guidelines, dictated by our Safety and Health Guidelines. Hazardous substances and materials must be clearly identified and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) must be completed and supplied.

Materials must be handled, stored and disposed of in the approved ways as specified in the SDSs. Hazardous Inventory Tracking Sheets must also be updated as required.

All these steps mitigate the risk of any hazardous waste leaking into the environment.

Tackling Zero

Tackling Zero is Meridian’s quarterly newsletter for people whose roles or studies are focused on sustainability, or for whom this is an area of interest. Each issue will offer Meridian’s insights into a topical sustainability issue, as well as stories on how we, our customers and supply chain partners are tackling sustainability. It also includes links to recent Meridian disclosures such as new policies and reports.
