- Meridian is making available to all current customers with a residential property, supplied by Meridian, a 15% discount on all ecostore branded products purchased from ecostore’s online shop
- The discount applies to ecostore-branded products only, and is not valid on third-party items or in conjunction with any other offer available via ecostore.com/nz/ or any other ecostore promotion. For the avoidance of doubt, if ecostore is running another offer on the selected ecostore-branded product that offer will apply over this one.
- Customers can access the discount by using unique discount codes that they have been provided with. The discount code will change from time-to-time, and customers will be informed how they can access the codes.
- All customers are deemed to have accepted the offer by using the discount code provided to them.
- Ecostore’s standard terms and conditions apply for all purchases made via their online store.
- Meridian, its employees and agents will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
- Meridian reserves the right to extend, cancel or amend the offer at any time. Meridian is not responsible for any third party acts or omissions.
- When collecting personal information Meridian complies with the Privacy Act 2020.