Fixed Energy Plan (FEP) terms and conditions

Effective for new Fixed Energy Plans that start on or after 19 March 2025 or for pre-existing plans as otherwise notified to you 

  1. Any terms and conditions set out in any offer to you ("Offer") form part of Meridian's Fixed Energy Plan ("Plan") terms and conditions. The terms and conditions of the Plan are additional to, and should be read in conjunction with, our Standard Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Electricity  ("Standard Terms"). In the event of inconsistency between the Plan terms and conditions and our Standard Terms, the Standard Terms shall prevail, except that the first sentence of clause 12.6 of our Standard Terms (which deals with changes to rates) will not apply to the fixed Meridian charges payable by you. 
  2. Our Fixed Energy Plan applies only to the electricity you purchase from us. It does not apply to export electricity that we purchase from you.
  3. The charges applicable to your Fixed Energy Plan are set out in our Offer. Subject to paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 below, only the rates set out under the "Meridian charges" section in our Offer are fixed. The other charges contained in our Offer, including the "Network charges" and the "Electricity Authority Levy Charge", are not fixed and may be changed during the term of the Plan, provided we have advised you of that change in accordance with our Standard Terms.
  4. If the amount of Goods and Services Tax ("GST") that applies to your rates changes during the term of the Plan, we may change the quoted rates to reflect that change to GST, provided we have advised you of that change in accordance with our Standard Terms.
  5. Meridian may recover any additional governmental or regulatory charges that it incurs during the term of the Plan and which are not otherwise provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 above, provided we have advised you of the change in accordance with our Standard Terms.
  6. If, for any reason, the information that Meridian has relied on to set the charges for you under this Plan is incorrect (for example, if the meter set-up referred to on your previous retailer's bill differed to your actual set-up), Meridian may adjust your charges, as Meridian considers necessary.
  7. If you are entitled to a discount it will be shown on your invoice.
  8. Start Date: The Plan will start on the Start Date. "Start Date" means the date outlined in our Offer to you.
  9. Expiry Date: The Plan will expire on the Expiry Date, unless it terminates at an earlier date in accordance with these terms and conditions. "Expiry Date" means the date outlined in our Offer to you.
  10. Meridian will endeavour to offer you one or more pricing plans prior to and with effect from the Expiry Date of your existing plan (“New Offer”). The offer made may include either a variable pricing plan and/or a fixed pricing plan (e.g. fixed rate plan or fixed energy plan).
  11. You must agree and accept the terms and conditions of one of the options in the New Offer or switch to another retailer. If you fail to advise us of which option you accept by the date set out in the New Offer, you will be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions for the default option identified in the New Offer.
  12. If we have not made you a New Offer prior to the Expiry Date, we agree to continue to supply electricity to you under the terms and conditions of this Plan and paragraph 11 will only apply from the date at which we contact you with a New Offer.
  13. Relocation: Meridian's Fixed Energy rates differ between Network regions and meter configurations and are not available in some Network regions and/or with some meter configurations. This means that if you move premises before the Expiry Date the following will apply:
    1. if Meridian makes a Fixed Energy plan available at your new location, you may remain on the Plan, however the rates that will apply will be the rates applicable at that new location, as at the Start Date of the Plan. You will be charged at the rates applicable to your new location from the date that Meridian is recorded on the Registry as the retailer of the Installation Control Point(s) ("ICP(s)") located at your new premises ("Transfer Date").
    2. if Meridian does not make a Fixed Energy plan available at your new location, then before you relocate you must either:
      • accept and agree to a new plan, in which case the Plan will terminate on the Transfer Date and your new plan will apply to electricity we supply to your new premises after that date; or
      • switch to a different electricity retailer, in which case the Plan will terminate on the date your new electricity retailer is recorded on the Registry as the retailer at the ICP(s) located at your new premises.
  14. Termination: The Plan will terminate if:
    1. you terminate the Plan by notifying us by calling 0800 496 777 or emailing, in which case the Plan will cease to apply:
      • if you switch to another electricity retailer, on the date that your new electricity retailer is recorded on the Registry as the retailer of the ICP serviced by this Plan; or
      • if you remain with Meridian but switch to another plan, from the date you accept and agree to the terms and conditions of the new plan.
    2. you move premises as described in paragraph 13 above. In these circumstances the Plan will cease to apply on the date determined in accordance with paragraph 13;
    3. you advise another electricity retailer that you wish to switch your electricity supply. In these circumstances the Plan will cease to apply on the date your new electricity retailer is recorded on the Registry as the retailer of the ICP serviced by this Plan; or
    4. the lines company's price category for your ICP(s) changes (which means that the basis on which we have set your energy price has changed), or the capacity or metering configuration of the ICP serviced by this Plan changes, and Meridian determines, at its sole discretion, that it no longer wishes to make the Plan available to those ICPs. In these circumstances Meridian will give you at least 30 days' written notice of the date on which the Plan will cease to apply and will advise you of the alternative plans and rates available to you after that date.
  15. These terms and conditions apply to all new Fixed Energy Plans that start on or after 19 March 2025 for pre-existing plans as otherwise notified to you. They replace any previous agreement(s) we have with you.