Customer care

Energy Wellbeing

Meridian is committed to supporting customers affected by hardship. We’ve put our money where our mouth is and committed $5 million over the next two years to helping support our customers who are in energy hardship.

Energy Wellbeing Fund

The cost of living is a real issue for many New Zealanders. To help our most vulnerable customers, we’ve created an Energy Wellbeing Fund with a $5 million investment, aimed at supporting 5,000 Meridian and Powershop households in hardship on their journeys towards energy wellbeing.

We’re using a holistic approach to support customers who are in energy hardship, not only through bill credits and payment plans, but also by funding in-home assessments and appropriate interventions – from curtains right through to insulation and heat pumps.


Supporting our Customers Consumer Care Policy

Tackling Zero

Tackling Zero is Meridian’s quarterly newsletter for people whose roles or studies are focused on sustainability, or for whom this is an area of interest. Each issue will offer Meridian’s insights into a topical sustainability issue, as well as stories on how we, our customers and supply chain partners are tackling sustainability. It also includes links to recent Meridian disclosures such as new policies and reports.
