Renevable energy generation assets

Creating even cleaner customer solutions

We’re about making low-carbon lifestyles and businesses easy to access and rewarding too. We want to give people hope for a better future and help them take action to get us there, whether that’s through a smarter use of electrification and digitisation or other innovations.

Case Study: Open Country Dairy

We are supporting Open Country Dairy in the replacement its existing coal boiler with a high-pressure electric boiler. This change will result in a massive reduction of 41,110 tC02eq annually – equivalent to removing around 20,000 cars from the roads each year.

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Awarua Site April2023

Dairy goes electric

Meridian has supported a boiler conversion at Mataura Valley Milk in Southland that will eliminate about 22,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions annually and establishes Mataura Valley Milk as the first all-electric dairy factory in New Zealand.

Tackling Zero

Tackling Zero is Meridian’s quarterly newsletter for people whose roles or studies are focused on sustainability, or for whom this is an area of interest. Each issue will offer Meridian’s insights into a topical sustainability issue, as well as stories on how we, our customers and supply chain partners are tackling sustainability. It also includes links to recent Meridian disclosures such as new policies and reports.
