Using Meridian app

Customer Decarbonisation

Meridian supports customer decarbonisation by making energy cleaner and cheaper for New Zealand homes, businesses and communities.

Process Heat Electrification

Our process heat electrification programme helps our customers to get off coal. By providing long-term competitive price certainty and funding support for businesses, plus partnering with them to develop transition plans and access co-funding, we’re supporting businesses to transition to low-carbon fuel sources.

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Electric Vehicles

Meridian is rolling out a nationwide EV charging network called Zero to support the uptake of electric vehicles. Our home and business charging solutions support the much-needed uptake of private smart charging.

Zero charging network

Commercial-scale Solar

We support our large customers with commercial-scale solar solutions. We offer payment flexibility with a buy-now option, or customers can choose Power Purchase Agreements with no upfront capital costs, where we design, install and maintain solar systems on their behalf.

Commercial solar solutions

Solar at Northlands mall

Demand Flexibility

In our efforts to decarbonise Aotearoa by electrifying industry and transport, the demand for electricity is growing. With much of our energy supply reliant on intermittent renewable generation, this puts pressure on our electricity system.

Demand flexibility is about being smart with how and when we use electricity to enable a cost-effective decarbonisation journey that still meets all our electricity needs. By working smartly with EV chargers, industrial heat processes, solar, batteries, hot-water cylinders and our customers, we’re creating market-leading demand flexibility products enabled through a virtual power plant and making things simple for customers to maximise uptake.

Certified Renewable Energy

Meridian’s Certified Renewable Energy product enables customers to report their market-based Scope 2 emissions as zero by matching their electricity consumption with an equivalent amount of our 100% renewable generation. This is done by their purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates, the net profits of which are invested back into communities across Aotearoa through our Community Decarbonisation Fund.

Find out more

Ceetified Renewable Energy

Community Decarbonisation Fund

Already, more than $1 million of the net proceeds of Renewable Energy Certificates has been invested into community - or business-led projects that reduce emissions or increase distributed generation. Community groups can apply for funds to help with the costs of purchasing EVs, installing EV charging or adding solar panels to help lower energy bills.

Community Decarbonisation Fund

Energy Efficiency

We offer a range of tips to help customers be more energy efficient.

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Tackling Zero

Tackling Zero is Meridian’s quarterly newsletter for people whose roles or studies are focused on sustainability, or for whom this is an area of interest. Each issue will offer Meridian’s insights into a topical sustainability issue, as well as stories on how we, our customers and supply chain partners are tackling sustainability. It also includes links to recent Meridian disclosures such as new policies and reports.
